Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Pride T-Shirts Make a Difference

The recent Supreme Court ruling in favor of gay marriage showed a major turn in attitudes towards equality. Couples in same-sex relationships had fought hard to ensure that their legal rights are recognized. Alas, for such couples, being able to marry in all fifty states makes all the difference. For many couples and their families, the ruling has given them greater assurance that their inalienable right to happiness will be given proper protection. 

Many couples, as well as their family members and close friends, were overjoyed at the ruling, largely, too, because of the amount of time that they've had to wait to see full equality. Wearing pride T-shirts is one of the many ways in which many of such couples show their pride in a meaningful way. Although pride shirts are commonly worn at events, they are also a great way for gay and lesbian people to express themselves. Open attitudes towards sexuality and expression of those attitudes make it easier for people to come out as gay or lesbian.

Straight family members and friends of gay and lesbian people also find wearing pride T-shirts as a helpful way to show solidarity with their loved ones. Famous and non-famous people continue to come forward as allies to support the fight for equality. In areas where attitudes are slow to change despite the ruling, many straight allies want to express support in a visible way, and pride shirts are a popular way of doing so.

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